Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Give Me a Title!!!

Today during recess, my new AJK - Amy demanded me to update my blog as she found the blog quite boring and the 2 recent posts - 'Freakeee~' and 'just a scribble' were too short and she finished gobbling them up in seconds. XD. *exaggeration applied… XD*. Then, I replied Amy that that she could read something like ‘Closing the Chapter’ or ‘It’s a Week that I’ll Never Forget’. Guess what Amy replied? You’ll be CHOCed to death when you listened to her astonishing reply…

Here goes… along with drum roll!!! *picutre the sound effect yourself… XD*

"NO!! The closing the chapter was soooo long that when I read half way, I decided to close the window…"

Ish!! Amy!! I am going to punish you for not reading all the contents in the long winded post!! XD. Your punishment will be as follow:

1. I will rebel against what you say next time in Prefectorial Board.. XD *nah.. not going to happen.. pls do not take this seriously*

2. I will eat chocolates always while performing my duty just like Chocoholic!!! *aww.. speaking ’bout choholic… i started missing my evil evil evil cunning sis who overspoilt her bro with tonnes of chocolates - KEREN WEE a million times more!!! XD*

3. I will do my very best to ensure you that you have the opportunity to deduct my marks!!! XD
Hmm.. Amy, sound rebelious enough, or do you want more?? XD. Guess Amy will be exploding after reading this post. Nah!! Our good-o-Amy, I will assure you that the probability of these cases to occur is zero *I keep my finger cross simultaneously too.. XD*

Considering the larva from Amy’s volcano may almost reach the floor, guess I’ll just stop my virtual pen here. XD.

P/s: Amy!!! Enjoy this post lots ya =)


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