Sunday, January 4, 2009

遗失了,真的得不回 I Lost It, And It'll Never Come Back


This time, I really felt that I lost a treasure. Frankly, no matter how regret I felt now, how loud I bawled, how positive I am or whatever action I tried to take, once it's gone, it'll never come back.

我还认为今年我往年的历史老师,Mdm. Pauline 还会教我,但是天公不作美,偏偏把她调走了。我真的感到了遗失的痛苦!好好的一个历史老师,怎么那笨蛋校方竟然把她给编排去别班教呢?真的是无理取闹!我讨厌!我简直恨校方恨得入骨!

I was still thinking Mdm. Pauline, my previous History teacher would continue to take my class but who knows that DAMN ASS HOLE school placed her into other class! SHIT this MAMA HOLY KHS! *my first time insulting KHS so badly but I don't even care*. The HELL BULLSHIT whoever is in charge of allocating the subject teachers, do you know how hurt it is for every action you had taken?! How dare you switch such a good history teacher to other class! Yea I know you have the power. But so what? An old C class = The model is totally oudated lah. I did not see that your purse/wallet is a Louis Vuitton one? Watch? Gosh! My pencil box is worth more than yours! Partial of it worth more than RM 200 ok? YOU ARE JUST WHAT THE F*CK!!!


I really let something so treasurable gone, gone into the wind like dust. I knew I was so stupid to play traunt, not paying attention, chatting all the way or sleeping which made me feel extremely guilty and regret. I knew I lost it with intention indirectly. I lost it and I could never found it anymore as once it's gone, it'll never return. Sigh.


I lost it, and it'll never come back...


Now I really have to hallucinate this teacher to reprimand me everyday. Seeing her reprimanding everyday in class is a total mirage. Unless the new teacher can camouflage like her, 100% just alike. But that will only occur when I am dreaming away, off into a wonderland. I am really speechless for letting something go... Sigh.


I lost it, and it'll never come back...

我不断地在叹气,时间却能倒退回中四让我再度享受那些美好时刻吗?还是倒退到校方在编排课程表当儿,提醒他们那位特别的历史老师,是要教5S1的?! 我对校方失去了信心,彻底的失去了。我父母亲每年缴付人工税,也不是你们工资的一部分吗?尽管你说我叛逆、我被宠坏,我也不管,因为这是本少爷的部落格,我爱说什么,就由我高谈阔论!如果你觉得逆耳,那你马上给我消失到无影无踪!

I knew I am continually sighing, on and off but will time travel back to the time when I was in Secondary Four when my teacher can still reprimand me? Ok. I am not so greedy. Why not just revert back to the time when the school admin is rearranging the timetable, I could snap them out of their hallucination and remind that the special teacher - IS ONLY MEANT TO TEACH 5S1'S HISTORY!!! I am truly disappointed with KHS's admin's part. Hell Ya! My parents pay part of you guys' salary. I don't care if I am bossy. Yea I am spoilt so what? This is my blog = my opinion. F*ck away if you loathe listening to this XD.



Anonymous said...

omg...all foul words..lolz


dssann said...

lolz...seriously need like tat ka?
jz only... erm....dn wn say here la...